Version-1 (March-April 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Research on the Financing of Small Enterprises from the Perspective of Public Policies |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Xiaoli.Wang |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0902010107 ![]() |
Abstract: As the major part of enterprises in China, small enterprises have made great contributions to the economic development and the improvement of people's livelihood of China. However, inconsistent with their economic status, small enterprises are very weak in financing. Owing to the defects of small enterprises and the effect of market economic rules, both economic approaches and public policies are required to improve the financing of small enterprises. Not only Chinese small enterprises but also small enterprises from other countries are facing the financing problem in the economic development. But compared with some developed countries, China's public policies set to promote the financing of small enterprises need to be further improved. This paper mainly focuses small enterprises and the public policies set to enhance the financing of small enterprises. Then it will study how to use the public policies to promote the financing of small enterprises.
Keywards: small enterprises, financing, public policies.
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Abstract: The rational for undertaking this study is to expound on the fact that public and self-employed people who earn income may not be out of poverty. To demonstrate this notion, a truncated poverty distribution analysis is explored in this study. Basically the study targeted both public and self-employed individuals within the study area to examine the existence of poverty among them. The method of data collection employed in this analysis involves the use of questionnaire to elicit information from subjects drawn from Etsako people of Edo State in Nigeria. A lucid analysis was carried out by using truncated distributions techniques such as: Box plot, Histogram, Normal plots and Quartiles plot to examine the level of poverty among public and self-employed individuals within the study area. The analysis..........
Keywards: Domain constraints, Income earners, Poverty line, Etsako People, Truncation.
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Abstract: Approximately 36% of Kenya's population are youths who remain marginalized and unable to contribute to their full potential in national development. Whereas numerous studies have been conducted on youth issues, a review of literature reveals a gap of information on how Youth Self Help Group initiatives transform the youths' socio-economic wellbeing. This study sought to assess the contribution of youth self help group initiatives to socio-economic wellbeing of youth in Dandora, Nairobi County, Kenya. Objective of this study was to examine whether initiatives undertaken by youth in registered YSHGs in Dandora contribute to their socio-economic wellbeing. The study used the cross-sectional survey research design. The target population was all the 16 registered.........
Keywards: Youth, Self Help Group, Social-economic, Wellbeing, Dandora
[1] Thurlow, J. (2015). Youth employment prospect in Africa. African Youth and the persistence of Marginalization: Employment, Politics , and Prospects for change, 23.
[2] Odhiambo, M.O. & Hesse, C. (2006), Strengthening pastoralist's voice in shaping policies for sustainable poverty reduction in ASAL regions of East Africa. In Conference on Pastoralism & poverty reduction in East Africa (pp. 27-28).
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[5] YMCA 2013 O'Donnell, J. (2014). End of Year One Evaluation of Leadership, Technology, Educational Attitudes and Positive Youth Development Outcomes for Stephens YMCA Youth Institute 2013 Alumni
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Abstract: As much as agriculture is the major catalyst for any nation's economy, it relies heavily on rainfall, which has changed in terms of rainfall patterns. SSA countries (97%) rely on rain fed agriculture. these countries' populations remain vulnerable to climate change. this study sought to analyze the effect of climate change of maize productivity VECM. A production function was used where the most commonly used weather indicators, which are precipitation; temperature averages and CO2concentration were incorporated. Unit roots were done using the augmented Dickey-Fuller test and cointegration by Johansen cointegration test, where variables were found to be cointegrated. Temperature, temperature squared, CO2 and CO2 squared were found to be statistically significant. From.........
Keywards: Error Correction Models (ECM, Cointegration)
[1]. M. Karshenas, "Agriculture And Economic Development In Sub‐Saharan Africa And Asia," Camb. J. Econ., Vol. 25, No. 3, Pp. 315–342, May 2001.
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[5]. A. Palacios-Lopez, L. Christiaensen, And T. Kilic, "How Much Of The Labor In African Agriculture Is Provided By Women?," Food Policy, Vol. 67, Pp. 52–63, Feb. 2017.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effects of Capping Interest Rate on Profitability of Kenya Commercial Bank |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Matundura Erickson |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0902013437 ![]() |
Abstract: His main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of interest rate capping on banks profitability of commercial banks in Kenya with a case study of KCB Bank Kenya Limited, Nairobi. The paper used descriptive research designwith time series data for the period September 2016 to December 2017 data gathered from theKenya Central bank.The data was subjected to stationarity test and necessary smoothening done. The multiple linear regression Modelwas used. The regression results showed that interest rate capping was negatively and statistically related to the bank's profits at 5% level of significance. The paper therefore suggested that the government and banking institutions should mobilize more long-term capital from the market through pooling funds and long-term savings and deepening capital markets by incorporating the informal into the financial system sector.Increase awareness and strengthening the Credit Reference Bureau.
Keywards: Capping interest rates, Risk borrowers, financial institutions
[1] Aligonby, J. (2016 August 25). Shares in Kenyan bank hit after interest rates cap
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[4] Helms, Brigit, and Xavier, R. (2004). "Interest Rate Ceilings and Microfinance: The Story So Far." CGAP Occasional Paper 9,
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[5] Hester Peirce and Benjamin Klutsey, eds., Reframing Financial Regulation: Enhancing Stability and Protecting Consumers.
Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center at George Mason University, 2016
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cryptocurrency: Its Risks And Gains And The Way Ahead |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Krishna Kumar Thakur || Dr. G. G. Banik |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0902013842 ![]() |
Abstract: In present scenario, our life has become mostly digital or in other word we are living into a virtual world. At every stage of life, we need support of technology in either way. Almost all our transactions particularly related to the financial part has become electronic. Amongst all, a currency is in trend i.e. Crypto currency is not a new concept but it's into different form. It is available in the market from long in different form of digital currency but a little knowledge is there about its existence and function.This paper aims to study in-depth overview of cryptocurrencies.
Keywards: Crypto currency, Digital currency, World, India, Present, Future
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Abstract: Due to the claim of unremitted crude-oil income, blames and existence of economic recession in Nigeriathepaper obliged by the instruction given by Allah (SWT) to man to revise (Q 59: 18)in order to sought andsuggestIslamicEconomicSolution to Economic Recession in Nigeria.The paper obtaineddata on Crude-Oil Income and Expenditure of Nigeria from the Nigerian Budgetsof2007to2016 and compared it with international benchmark prices of crude-oilusing Content Analysis of documents obtained, as acceptable by Islam, the Compendium of knowledge, to analyze the Public Resource Management (PRM) of Crude-Oilwith a view to provide solution to economic recession in Nigeria. It is found that forensic test was not needed to know thatExcess Crude-oil Income (ECI) was not accounted for in the assessedbudgets; Expenditure were not attached to income and all Nigerians should be blamed for Economic Recession, among others. It suggests that Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) should adopt Islamic Principles of Financing (IPF) by making provisions for National Economic Stabilization Account (NESA) in the Nigerian Budgets, quick spending on Productive Ventures: Public Goods, and financing the Private Sector on Interest-Free Basis (IFB) to prevent reoccurrence of Economic Recession and achieve Sustainable Economic Growth and Development of the Nation.
Keywards: Economic Recession,Economic Reserve,Economic Revision, Islamic Principles of Finance,Monoproduct-Cum-Monopsonic Economy and Management.
[1]. Adeosun, K. (2017). Second Paris Club Loan Refunds. July 29, 2017. (235384-exclusive -second-paris-club-loan-refund-nigerian-govt-make-tougher-demands-states-adeosun.html/amp by BasseyUdoh, September 25, 2017.
[2]. Al-Hilali, M. T. & Khan, M. M. )(2011). "Interpretation of the Meanings of The Noble Qur‟an in The English Language: A summarized Version of At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and IbnKathir with Comments from Sahih Al-Bukhari. Riyadh. Darussalam Publishers and Distributor. 2011.
[3]. Buhari, Muhammadu. Analyses of Nigeria‟s 2016 Budget and Medium Term Expenditure Framework. Budget Bulletin - PwC 22 July, 2016.
[4]. Chuhan-Pole, P. (2013).Monoproduct Economy will remain vulnerable-Word Bank.. October 2016.
[5]. Emefiele, G. (2017). CBN Releases Full List of States Given Bailouts Plus Amounts Awarded. by OpeyemiOdu. September 22, 2016. Nigerian News, September 22nd 2017. pp 1.
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Abstract: The classical view of the internal audit practices has to be rejuvenated. It is not about only to perform the traditional audit, but in addition, it has a broader view and a farer role in making a difference to organizations' strategic objectives. Moreover, it is differentiated than what everyone knows about external auditors (CPA's) who perform financial and accounting audit, despite their indispensable important roles in monitoring towards compliance, efficiency and effectiveness. The internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and a consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations............
Keywards: Internal Audit, Leadership, Strategy, Risk Management, Corporate Governance, Internal Control.
[1]. B. Pine, 2008, "A risk-based approach to auditing financial statements", Viewed on May 4, 2016:
[3]. D. Ketchen and J. Short, 2016, "Mastering Strategic Management", Viewed on May 3, 2016:
[5]. Ernst & Young, 2013, "Matching Internal Audit talent to organizational needs", Viewed on May 1, 2016:
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Abstract: The study investigated the impact of tax policy on economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1981-2015. Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) test and Pairwise Granger causality test were employed in the analysis. The variables used in the study include real gross domestic product (LRGDP), personal income tax (PIT), companies income tax (CIT), government expenditure (GEX), exchange rate (EXCR), broad money supply (MS) and interest rate (INR). The results ARDL test indicated evidence of both long run and short run relationships among the variables. It also showed that personal income tax (PIT) has positive and insignificant impact on real GDP while companies income tax (CIT) has negative and significant impact on real GDP. The results also revealed that GEX and MS have positive and insignificant impact on real GDP while EXCR and INR have negative and insignificant impact on............
Keywards: Tax policy, Economic Growth, Autoregressive distributed lag model, Pairwise Granger causality.
[1]. Adamu, S. (2014). The impact of tax incentives on economic growth and industrial development in Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Studies in Economics and Public Sector Management, 2(1), 74-85.
[2]. Adegbie, F. & Fakile, A. S. (2011). Petroleum profit tax and Nigeria economic development. International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management, 1(1),11-18.
[3]. Adudu, S. A. & Ojonye, M. S. (2015). The impact of tax policy on economic growth in Nigeria. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 6(8), 124- 129.
[4]. Afuberoh, D. & Okoye, E. (2014). The impact of taxation on revenue generation in Nigeria: A study of federal capital territory and selected states. International Journal of Public Administration and Management Research, 2(2), 22-47.
[5]. Akintoye, I. R. & Tashie, G. A. (2013). The Effect of tax compliance on economic growth and development in Nigeria, West-Africa. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 11(II), 222-231.:
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Abstract: Given its consumptionist nature, economic activities in Nigeria are mainly driven by household aggregate consumption expenditure with greater percentage of the spending on consumer-goods-importation. A statistical performance-illustration of the sectoral components of Nigeria's gross domestic product (GDP) provided pointers to a recession and further provided insights towards facilitating functional dimensions for moving the economy from recession to renaissance. Evidences from the sectoral scrutiny showed asymmetric growth in GDP and its major components. While growth in agriculture, construction, trade, and service sectors boosted GDP growth in 2015, only the agricultural and service sectors recorded positive growths in the making of 2016 GDP leaving the abysmal performance of the other sectors accountable for the current recession. This study also documented a positive strength of..........
Keywards: aggregate demand/supply, economic growth, GDP, Nigeria, recession, sectoral contributions JEL: E01, E32, O40, O41
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[2] Cencini, A. (2005) Macroeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics. London and New York: Routledge.
[3] Central Bank of Nigeria (2015) Statistical Bulletin, CBN, Nigeria.
[4] Central Bank of Nigeria (2016a) Economic Report: First Quarter, CBN, Nigeria, viewed 18th May, 2017,>out>2016>rsd
[5] Central Bank of Nigeria (2016b) Economic Report: Second Quarter, CBN, Nigeria, viewed 18th May, 2017,>out>2016>ccd.: